
Testing Process

Hairdressing cosmetics product testing process 1. Test preparation stage Clarify the test objectives: Determine the objectives to be achieved in this test, whether to test product functions, performance, security or other aspects.Develop a test plan: Develop a detailed test plan based on the test objectives, including test content, test methods, testers, test schedule, etc.Prepare the […]

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R&D Process

Hairdressing cosmetics product development process I. Project planning stage Market research: Analyze market demand and trends to determine product development direction.Product positioning: Clarify the target market, target customers and product characteristics of the product.Competitor analysis: Analyze the product advantages and disadvantages of major competitors.Develop a product development plan: Develop a detailed product development plan, including

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Production Process

Production process of hairdressing cosmetics products 1. Raw material procurement and inspection. Select qualified suppliers: Purchase raw materials from reputable and fully qualified suppliers.Acceptance inspection: Strictly inspect the purchased raw materials to ensure that the quality of the raw materials meets the requirements.Raw material storage: Store qualified raw materials in accordance with regulations, and mark

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Production, delivery and delivery process of hairdressing cosmetics products I. Production preparation Production plan review: Review the production plan to ensure that the production plan meets the production requirements.Raw material procurement: Purchase the required raw materials according to the production plan and conduct acceptance inspection.Production equipment inspection: Inspect and maintain the production equipment to ensure

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Custom process

Mass customization process of hairdressing cosmetics products 1. Confirmation of customer needs Understand customer needs: Understand customer product needs through communication with customers, including product functions, performance, appearance, packaging and other requirements.Confirm product specifications: According to customer needs, determine the detailed specifications of the product, including product name, formula, raw materials, packaging and other information.Sign

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